Tuesday 22 November 2011


entry kali nie nk citer pasal kawin.... tp.. bukan aku yg kawen.. hehehe.. br2 nie beberapa kwn2 aku dh pun mendirikan rumah tangga,,... aku tumpang gembira dorg sume temui kebahagiaan,. insyaallah.. as a friend.. aku doa kan kebahagiaan mereka n semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.. amin... n aku!!!! bile nk kawenn???? huhuhuhu.... aku sndiri pun x tau... seandainya jodoh 2 smpai..cepat or lmbt kawen juga... kalo boleh... kalo si die mmg jodoh aku.. aku berharap bukan sekadar aku yg boleh nmpak.. tp mak n abah pun nmpak si die la jodoh aku... n berdoa yg terbaik utk aku sndiri n dpt seseorg yg boleh membimbing serta menjaga aku ngan sebaik nyer... aminn...

nie beberapa gmbr kwn2 yg kawen.. show it.. n see the video pre wedding from midah n korea.. class gtu...

Friday 18 November 2011

AcTiViTy K.A.M.i

dh lm x update my blog.. kesibukan melanda smpai x hiraukan ape2... watever is byk story nk citer...

finally... the times is OVERRRRR.. My lovely mr thesis dh selamat antar.. n half burden on my head was little bit rduce n release... ALHAMDULILLAH........Everything is over n has been done successful.. no more research n survey... yeaaahhhhhhh!!!! im happy n FREEE . Berusaha dah... n now only say Tawakal n berserah PadaNYA... hope will getting a good result.. AMIN......

dlm sibuk2 siapkan thesis... sempat lg our class g trip terengganu.. hahahaha.. org dok stress wat thesis.., kitorg sempat g bejimba2 n bersuka ria kt KT.. Actually this trip for our assignment on construction technology.. Sgt2 best!!!! g site visit.. n this is my first time looking construction sea defense.. best n new thing for me.. laut terengganu sgt2 best n cntik......................this is last time for our classes to spend time on each other.. coz after this dh abes study n x boleh nk spend tyme sesame... this is sweet memories for QS6A.. love u all

after nek cruise keliling Pulau Puyong

memories with Masjid Kristal

the best moment..... main bola pantai Geng Gugirle Vs Geng Boboy..... we are the winner... menang kecian kot...hahahaha

Wednesday 16 November 2011

JenjaLan KT

penatttt.. 2 je yg boleh ckp ms nie.. 5 ari kt terengganu.. long journey.... 8 jam atas bus.. mmg penat.. tp fun... spend tyme wif my classmate.. pasnie x pat jmpa g... sume dh grad.. insyaallah... byk nk citer... tp x d ms.. skang rushing siapkan my theiss.. submit on this Friday.. so... next tyme i will story everything happen in terengganu... bubye....

Monday 7 November 2011

InsTabiliTy Zone

ARGGGGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... stressssssss tahap melampau............. THesis Ohhhhhhh Thesissssssss.....